Monday, January 30, 2012

A young love develops...

Fast forward to 2010.  I started to realize that I enjoyed making cupcakes.  No, not the delicious homemade ones that are all beautiful.  I'm talking about getting a box of cake mix from the store, making cupcakes with that, opening a can of frosting and topping them off!  I soon found myself volunteering to make cupcakes for every single party that my son was having at his daycare!  Looking back on these cupcakes today, I shudder, but at the time I thought I was a rock star!  Valentine cupcakes, Easter cupcakes, Halloween cupcakes, birthday cupcakes!  

These are some Valentine themed cupcakes that I made for my son's daycare party.  I'm pretty sure someone told me that the M&Ms I put on top looked like nipples!
 And here are some mini cupcakes that I made for teacher appreciation day at the daycare.  I tinted all of the frosting to match the different classroom themes.... pink elephants, green frogs, orange giraffes, khaki kangaroos, purple cats, blue horses, yellow ducks, goldfish!
Here are the Halloween Monster cupcakes I made.  This was another "man I think I'm so cool right now" moments!  
Easter bunny cupcakes... I thought I was so cool!  LOL!
 It pains me to look at these... my husband was having a poker game at our house.  I made these for the "boys"!
 Rainbow cupcakes for St. Patricks Day...
 At the time, I was VERY impressed with myself because of these cupcakes.  They were for my son's 2nd birthday party.  I made them for his party at daycare.  My husband helped me that night.  He cut out all of the teeth for me, helped me make the eyes and smiles.  Then I made the mistake of thinking they could sit out overnight. The next morning I was upstairs and I hear my husband call me from downstairs.  I believe his words were "don't freak out, but the cupcakes are ruined!"  Turns out it was too warm in my kitchen overnight and all of the eyeballs and mouths slid off the cupcakes into a pile of goopy mess!  Lesson learned!  I ended up stopping at the supermarket and buying cupcakes for the party... but I will always have the picture!
 Alligator cupcakes.  I think these were for our son's 3rd birthday.  His party at school.  I remember trying to get the swampy green color just right.  In the end it was a very unappetizing shade!  LOL!

What you will find as I begin to explain further in more blog entries is that I start to get better.  Call me a self-trained cupcake baker!  This was just the beginning!

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